- “New Approaches to Experimental Animation”, presented at the second National Animation Conference, August 2015, published by Documentary and Experimental Film Center (DEFC), March 2017.
- “Farshid Mesqali: The Pioneer of Modern Animation Experiments”, published in Cinematheque of the Contemporary Art Museum book, Spring 2016, p. 84-93.
- “What Is Experimental Animation?”, published in Animation Specialized Quarterly Research-Oriented, Educational, Analytic magazine, issue3, Winter 2016, p.165-171.
- “Forming Game: An Experiment about Human Creation” a film critique, published in Animation Specialized Quarterly Research-Oriented, Educational, Analytic magazine, issue3, winter 2016, p.174-175.
- "Self-Expression in Experimental Animations", an interview with Iran's ASIFA magazine, issue 2, Winter 2019.